• Pumpkin Katsu Curry Rice

    Japanese curry served with short grain rice and topped with pumpkin croquettes, spring onions and pickled ginger.

  • Sweet Chilli Panko Fried Chicken Rice

    Fresh panko fried chicken coated with sweet chilli sauce served with short grain rice, pineapple, onions and pepper.

  • Beef Curry Rice

    Japanese curry served with short grain rice and topped with beef, spring onions and pickled ginger.

  • Panko Fried Chicken Curry Rice

    Japanese curry served with short grain rice and topped with fresh panko fried chicken, spring onions and pickled ginger.

  • Fried Tofu Curry Rice

    Japanese curry served with short grain rice and topped with steamed fried tofu, spring onions and pickled ginger.

  • Beef Gyudon

    Thinly sliced beef cooked in a sweet soy sauce served in a bed of rice topped with pickled ginger and a poached egg.

  • Pork Chashu Don

    Homemade Chashu Pork served with short grain rice, egg, spring onions and pickled ginger.